Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gratuitous picture post

A trip to the nursery and the first of the slightly warmer weather yesterday led to a flurry of activity. Here's some pics of the day's labour.

First, a trip to the nursery for seed-raising mix and a new watering can. Of course, like always,
I was unable to resist the idea of more plants. We came home with the following:

West Indian Lime - we'd been after a lime to round out the citrus circle, and this one screamed 'take me home, take me home and plaaaaant me!!!!!'. Like they do.

Roma tomato seedlings. These will go into the tomato bed when I finally get all the grass out of it. They're hanging out here in the meantime.

Tom Thumb cherry tomato. I'm planning to grow this one in a pot, at least for the time being. It's already flowering, which is nice, so we'll see if anything comes of them.

These will be tomato seedlings, I hope. The last time I planted seeds they didn't sprout. When I emptied the seed tray out, I could only find two seeds. I can only deduce something et them.

Brown onions. Again, I intent to grow them in a pot. I'm not sure whether this one will be big enough in the end, but it's a good place for them to start.

Next: The gardening part.

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